Manobos or other medical issues

He came to me as he seemed worried. “I am not. Which – which I got a lot of iron in the fire at work, the old, as appropriate as violin, on the marriage of all children … but my sexual life in the toilet. “In fact, it seemed as it is mentioned: a good muscle mass, not my father’s abdomen to speak, gray gray, smart in the movement and graceful in thought. But his sexual motivation was low, and his erection was not what they used Good. What happens to me? “He asked whether his hormones may” verify good or what. “
Check the oil
Testosterone is a very important molecule for men’s health. Think about it as oil in the car. When you are low or absent, many parts are affected, and things do not work smoothly. Natural testosterone balance is crucial in life. In the womb, it determines the anatomical memory. At puberty, you do not have to tell you what it does: nourishes the growth of growth, stimulates sound, encourages hair growth, acne, and the strongest muscles, which is the final ruler of thought and action in adolescence. In men, it is necessary for natural growth, reproductive and sexual function. Although it is the most famous because it is “sexual steroid”, testosterone affects many body functions. In the brain, it affects mood, memory, thought, as well as sexual motivation. “Vitamin T” maintains muscle strength and growth and helps in maintaining a normal blood and bone strength. This may also be good for cholesterol and insulin balance. Testosterone keeps erection strong and supports the normal fertility function and the prostate function. In short, as it was said about vitamins, testosterone revolves around the “basic” hormone is a hormone for a healthy body.
The original analysis
So, I went to work on this man. When T levels are low, one of the main questions to be answered is: Why? This radical cause analysis is crucial for several reasons. It can reveal medical problems such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or prolactin problems that may be treatmentable and reversal of the problem. It can also tell us whether “Manobos” or Androbus has arrived. This age -related condition occurs when testosterone levels decrease severely and get. Usually in the seventh or eighth decade of life, it is distanced as the time is to spend the testes and end of the manufacture of hormones and sperm. It is the basis of men with a “real biological clock”, as it was said about women who suffer from menopause. Finally, Low T may simply reflect the effects of a stressful life, whether due to anxiety, anxiety, poor sleep, excessive work, or a lot of travel. The discovery of any of these reasons exists is just the issue of checking hormones that control the balance of testosterone, such as the hormone lutein, estradiol, cortisol and prolactin. Easy.
CRO-Magnon Evidence
Our fast moving man was a great example of the sure modern man. Otherwise, he burned the candle on both ends, works on long days and weekends, and gets a weak sleep and a lot of travel. You may think that the hormone testosterone will increase with stress, but unfortunately, this is not true. To understand this hormonal paradox, let’s return to the days of the cave man. For primitive men or Cro-Magnon men, what types of tension do? What about freezing, hunger, or chasing by the Sufi mammoth. It is good to have this nervous system “fighting or flying”, all of which suffers from adrenaline (cortisol), to help them stay. At such times, the hormone testosterone takes posterior burning, as the mind and body need the peak and fast and explosive energy to respond to the threats. Once the stress passes and relaxation returns, when the hormone of testosterone rises, and it recovers and rebuilding muscles, bones and blood. The hormone “comfort and restoration” at its best. Therefore, our old nervous system, “fighting or flying”, is quite suitable for us as his hatred of 50,000 years ago, is now just an excessive reaction. Although we need to live for a longer period, we need this Extinguish To live longer now.
Fortunately, his treatment was simple, but I concluded a deal with him. I would like to push the “laziness” (from stress) in the pituitary gland more difficult to make more testosterone by giving it a daily pill called Clomiphene Citrate (or Enclomiphene, both outside the designation) and restore the balance of testosterone. He was studying his life, discovering what he chased more than others, and tries to reduce his effect. This deal reminded him of it, you are likely to lead him to a longer and healthier life.