
How long does the sex suppose?

How long does the sex suppose?
Timing is everything (as a courtesy: not designed)

Sex is a lot of things for many of us, and it was the case since the beginning of time. In the movie Annie HallThe sex is found to be “more fun you can get without laughing.” My West thought that “sex is an emotion in movement.” “Humans love sex, and we need sex, it is the way we communicate, and reminds us that we are alive, it is the third basic human need, after food and good popcorn.”

John Barrymor mocked once: “Sex: The thing that takes the lowest time and causes the most problems.” The fact is that sex can be a short meeting or a lengthy endeavor. How do we reach the consensus on the period that should continue?

Go all night?

The real answer to the question is that this depends. It matters to how sex is determined and who you ask. It is recognized that the answer is mysterious at best because our sex concepts are complicated and specific through personal beliefs, mutual desires, societal messages and fictional models. And unforgettable hope that you will be consistent with issues such as age, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders, and anxiety in performance. We also need to examine the end point: Is it male or female peak or both are more important? Or is Apogee simply satisfied or achieving a set of fun?

Studies of time clock

Sex processors admit that the average intercourse activity is “sufficient” from 3 to 7 minutes; “Desired” from 7 to 13 minutes; “Very short” from 1 to two minutes; And “very long” from 10 to 30 minutes. In one of the few sex studies in the wild, 500 couples from 5 countries used a time hour to measure the penetration to male ejaculation: ranging from 33 seconds to 44 minutes and average shade over a period of 5 minutes. Another timeline study evaluated the time for orgasm between 564 couples of two different sexes and found it on average 13.4 minutes. The scarcity is still studies that evaluate the period of sex in heterogeneous or non -mixing situations. In one of the only studies of its kind on the same sex and husbands mixed sex, it was observed that spouses of the same sex for sexual confrontations are much longer than men and women in mixed sex or than gay relationships.

The bottom line of the search on this topic is that a good sex lasts for minutes and not hours, and it is better when it continues as long as the partners participate, he wants it. As Sarah Nader once said about sex: “Some of the best moments in life are those that you can not tell anyone about.”

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