Records leak the Greek account challenge to deadly ships

The audio instructions that were leaked by the Greek rescue coordinators led to more doubts in the official version of Greece from the events in the previous hours, a migrant boat with up to 650 people on the plane.
Adriana decreased in the early hours of June 14, 2023 in international waters – but inside the Greek rescue zone – after leaving Libya a few days ago.
The survivors later told the BBC that the coast guards had caused the crowded fishing boat to be overlooked In a failed attempt to withdraw it, then the witnesses were forced to silence.
The Greek Coast Guard denied these allegations and maintains that it did not try to save her on board because they were not in danger and said they wanted to reach Italy, not Greece.
But in a phone call, an unveiled man now spoke from inside a Greek rescue coordination center that teaches the captain of the migrant boat to tell a ship approaching that those who do not want to reach Greece.
The Coast Guard did not comment on the sound, but he said that all the evidence available to a naval court achieved the disaster.
Softness was one of the worst known disasters ever in the Mediterranean.
It is estimated that the boat was carrying up to 750 migrants when it set out from the Tobruk port in Libya almost a week ago.
Eighty -two corpses have been recovered, but the United Nations believed that 500 additional people – including 100 women and children who were in a boat – maybe they died.
Sound recordings It was obtained by Greek Website The phone calls that involve the JRCC Coordination Center (JRCC) at Piraus Port, is revealed near the capital of Athens.
In the first call, at 18:50 local time (15:50 GMT) on June 13, an officer explaining to a man who is experimenting with the migrant boat is heard that a large red ship will soon approach the supplies and that he must make it clear that immigrants do not want to reach Greece.
Officer 1:
- The boat has you to give you fuel, water and food. In one hour, we send you a second boat, well?
- “We don’t want to go to Greece.” Yes?
Do not hear the responses of the man who seizes the migrant boat.
In a second call, after 90 minutes, at 22:10, a different officer apparently talks about the coordination center, to the Captain The Lucky Sailor (“The Big Red Ship”).
Officer 2: Well, captain, sorry before I hear you. I could not understand what you told me. She told me that you gave them food and water and told you that they did not want to stay in Greece and want to go to Italy, and they do not want anything else?
Captain Bahar Laki: Yes, because I asked them by Megaphone, “Greece or Italy?” And everyone there screams Italy.
Officer 2: Oh, well, well, everyone screams that they do not want Greece and want Italy?
Captain Bahar Laki: Yes, yes, yes.
Officer 2: Yes
Captain Bahar Laki: They are all like crowded, very crowded, full surface.
Officer 2: Well, the captain. Have you finished supplies?
Captain Bahar Laki: Yes, sir, yes.
Officer 2: Captain, I want this, I want to write this in your record book. Record the bridge.
Captain Bahar Laki: Yes, we will write it.
Officer 2: Yes?
Captain Bahar Laki: Yes
Officer 2: I want you to write it that they do not want to stay in Greece and want to go to Italy. They do not want anything from Greece and want to go to Italy.
Captain Bahar Laki: Well, yes, yes.
Another ship, the believer warrior, also gave some supplies to the migrant boat, but no other talks appeared between its captain and the Greek authorities.
The Greek Coast Guard did not comment on the contents of the conversations, but he told BBC that it had provided “all the materials that were in their possession, including audio recordings and events notes” to the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Marine Court, which is the investigation.
She said that she had saved more than a quarter of a million migrants in danger at sea in the past decade and arrested more than a thousand smuggles, and that his humanitarian work had been recognized internationally.
Our investigation in the BBC in direct days after drowning Challenge the interpretation of the Greek authorities For disaster.
An analysis of other ships in the region indicates that the acquired fishing pot was not moving for at least seven hours before its expiry.
The Coast Guard always insisted that during these hours, the boat was on a path to Italy and not in need of rescue.
Last year, The Greek court has charged accusations Against nine Egyptian men accused of causing the shipwreck.
Judges in the southern city of Caquama in southern Port spent they had no jurisdiction to hear the case, on the basis of the sinking of the ship in international waters.
The indictment showed that the defendants were tried on evidence that was already contradicting at least six survivors, who told the BBC that the Coast Guard caused their boat to overturn and then pressed them to framing the Egyptians.
Human Rights Lawyer, Dimitris Sholis, who represented some of the Egyptian defendants, said he was not surprised by these recordings.
“We know the coast guard tactics either to respond or not save people.”
He claimed that there was “an attempt to cover up the first day.”
“They (the Greek authorities) narrated the story” they do not want to be saved, “he told the BBC.
Human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Hemoyg Watch, said they have strong reservations about the integrity of the Greek investigation and called for an international investigation.
The Greek Greek Secretary – an independent authority that was removed from the government – was looking into these allegations.
The disaster is also examined by the Greek Maritime Court.