Thousands who were released are now stuck in the camps

BBC News

The man quietly said on the other side of the line: “I swear to God, I need help.”
The Ethiopian, who calls himself Mike, said he is being held with 450 others in a building inside Myanmar, along the country’s borders with Thailand.
They are among Thousands of people who were released One of the notorious frauds that flourished on the border for years, apparently the most difficult act against industry along the Thai border.
But many of them were cut off in Myanmar in temporary camps because their evaluation and the arrangement of flights to their countries is very slow.
The armed militia groups that keep them with a very limited ability to support many people – more than 7000. One of them said they stopped freeing people from vehicles because they are not transferred to Thailand quickly enough.
BBC realizes that the conditions in the camps are not healthy, barely enough, and many liberated workers, such as Mike, are in a bad health condition. He suffers from panic attacks, after he worked for a year in a fraud center where he was routinely beaten.
He told us that they got two basic meals a day, there were only toilets for 450 people, who said they were now alienating themselves wherever it is possible.
Mike described it to be invited a year ago to take on what he promised will be a good job, in Thailand, only requires good English skills and writing.
Instead, he found himself exposed to a brutal system, having to work for long hours every day to fulfill the goal to defraud people online by his Chinese superiors.
“It was the worst experience in my life. Of course I was beaten. But believe me, I saw It was much worse for other people“

Mike is one of an estimated 100,000 people believed to have been seduced to work in frauds along the Thai-Yanmar border, most of whom are run by fraudulent clients and gambling employees who have benefited from chaos in this part of Myanmar.
Despite the terrifying accounts of ill -treatment of those who fled in the past, thousands still come from parts of the world where good jobs are rare, fond of promises of good money.
China, where many fraud victims, have acted to close the fraud along its borders with Myanmar, but until this year, China and Thailand did not do much about the Thai border.
Arian, a young man from Bangladesh, returned to Thailand to try to help 17 friends who are still there. He said he promised to do this after his hard escape from one of the most famous fraud centers last October.
A brief and shaken video of the boat, is still under construction in Wadi Remote, where he was detained, and remembers the terrible treatment he and his friends suffered at the hands of their Chinese president.
“They gave us a target every week, $ 5,000. If not, they have given us electric shocks. Or put us in a dark room, without windows. But if we earned a lot of money, they were very happy with us.”
Aryan had to deal with men in the Middle East and lured them to transfer money to fake investments. Using artificial intelligence, the fraudsters made him appear on the screen to be an attractive young woman, and also change his voice.
He says he hates doing that. He remembers a man who was ready to sell his wife’s jewelry to finance fraudulent investment, and wants to be able to warn him. But he said that the presidents watched all their calls.

Fraud workers began more than two weeks ago after Thailand, under pressure from China and some private politicians, and power, telecommunications and communications were cut into vehicles on the border.
The banking has limited to the heads of fraud and issued arrest orders for some militia leaders who were protecting business.
He struck that work, but it also struck the ordinary Karen people who live in a more difficult nearby, which put pressure on militia leaders to show the end of the violations in fraud centers. They started helping those trying to escape, and completely evacuate some vehicles.
The camp Mike is now guarded by the Karen Democratic Army, DKBA, a separatist rebel faction in Karen’s ethnic society.
Until recently, he was protecting many fraud vehicles that grew up in their territory. You can easily see it while driving along the MEI River that divides the two countries – unprecedented spaces for new buildings in the war -torn state of Karen contrasting with the rural scene on the Thai side of the border.
Thailand insists that it moves as soon as possible to treat the previous fraud workers and return them home.
A group of 260 workers edited on the MEI River were brought in a raft earlier this month. About 621 Chinese citizens were transported directly to China, while the police accompanied the rented aircraft. Otherwise, it seems that the movement of liberated workers to Thailand has stopped.

The problem is that it is from many different countries, some of which do little to help give their people home. About 130 of the first 260 first to come from Ethiopia, which does not contain an embassy in Bangkok.
BBC was told that some other African countries will only fly for their members at home if someone else is paying. Most of the freed workers have nothing; Even their passports were blocked by the compound presidents.
Thailand is afraid to bring thousands of people, and it will have to care indefinitely. She also wants to examine them to find out any real victims of human trafficking and who may have committed criminal acts, but has no ability to do this with a large group of people.
Various ministries and agencies, including the army, participate in managing this problem, and you must agree to those who do something. This does not help to transfer many senior police and immigration officers because of their alleged fraud involvement.
“If this issue is not resolved, we will not stop working on it – we must work seriously,” said Thai Prime Minister Paitongtarn Shinawatra on Tuesday in Bangkok. But it was referring to the broader problem in fraud, not the growing humanitarian crisis among liberated workers.

“Unfortunately, it seems that we are in a slightly cut off.”
“We hear sad information about the lack of sewage and toilets. Many of the 260 who have already come to tuberculosis have been examined and tested positively. We hear from those who are still at home that people cough blood. They are very happy that they have been released from fraud compounds, but our anxiety is not transferred quickly enough.”
It seems that Thailand is now ready to bring one group of 94 Indonesia, as its embassy was driving to release for several days and booked flights to Indonesia for them.
But this still leaves more than 7000 still inside Myanmar, not sure what will happen to them now.
Mike told me that he and many others with him are afraid that if they are not allowed to cross to Thailand soon, DKBA may return them to the presidents of fraud, where they may face a penalty to try to leave.
He said that on Wednesday night, panic attacks and breathing were very bad, they were transferred to the hospital.
“I just want to go home,” he said. “I just want to return to my country. That’s all I ask.”